Mallon's Media Watch |
Mallon's Media Watch is a Catholic blog site featuring news analysis, response to and commentary on misinformed media reports on the Catholic Church.
Humanae Vitae
Documents of the II Vatican Council Mallon in the News: Citations & Quotes Mallon the Right Wing Religious McCarthyite! Weblog: NYTChristianity Today Magazine In Memory of 9/11/01 - Rescue Workers Page 7 Benton County Republicans Links U.S. Catholic Bishops - Pro-Life Activities, August, 2001 U.S. Catholic Bishops - Pro-Life Activities, June 2002 UN article in German: J. Mallon und A. Ruse Elisabeth Elliot: Commitment Phobia, Marriage: A Right or a Gift? February 17, 2000 Gateway To Joy Elisabeth Elliot, Commitment Phobia, Quest For Love, August 07, 2001, Gateway To Joy San Diego News Notes, February 1998 | Clips St. Joseph Catholic Community - Bulletin John on EWTN (RealAudio, Scroll to #269, Nov. 13, 1998) John's Conversion Story in the Book, Spiritual Journeys TheFactIs.Org Biweekly Column: Catholic Online Weekly Column: Reality Check The Culture of Pornography & Committment Phobia The Tragedy of the Sexual Revolution The Dating Dearth: A Man's Perspective When the Trouble with Men Becomes the Trouble with Women The Reality of God and Political Delusion Mallon Articles: Who Really Cares for Women's Lives? John Kerry's Integrity Problem What Catholicism Is: an election-year reminder (CWN) The 'Un-Woman' on the march in Washington (CWN) Wickedness and the Catholic Vote (CWN) Bias and judicial nominees - The Washington Times OP-ED PFAW vs. Mallon response in Wash. Times National Catholic Register: U.N. Population Fund Ignores U.S. Alarm: Mallon (Sort of) on VOTF, NCRegister Mallon's Boston Globe Sept. 6 Op-Ed Project Rachel: Healing the Wounds of Abortion: An interview WorldNetDaily: Making victims of Catholics? The Dating Dearth: a Man's Perspective Interview with Archbishop Renato Martino Links Canticle Magazine - The Voice of Today's Catholic Woman The US Embassy to the Holy See FaithfulVoice (Not Voice of the Faithful)
Catholic Blogs
St. Blog's Parish Directory (Until I can get my links rebuilt. Thanks to Gerard Serefin of the Praise of Glory Blog) |
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
1:25 AM
by John Mallon
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Human Rights Political Prisoners in the Womb for Inside the Vatican, Status Ecclesiae Column, July/August 2006 Prisonniers politiques dans l'utérus (Political Prisoners in the Womb-en Français) Translation by Stefan Jetchick No Amnesty for the Unborn? The following article appeared under the title "Abortion: a Right?" in the July/August, 2006, English International Edition of Messenger of St. Anthony (Padua, Italy), It is reprinted here with their kind permission. Amnesty International: What Part of Human Rights Don’t You Understand? Guest Commentary for Fr. Tom Euteneuer’s Spirit & Life Newsletter, Human Life International, August 24, 2007
1:06 AM
by John Mallon
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go to: Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
12:35 PM
by John Mallon
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Look at this article: A betrothal proposal Then do a Google on Michael G. Lawler and Gail S. Risch This passes for moral reasoning: Recent focus groups of young Catholic adults on “problematic aspects of church teaching” found that they disagreed with church teaching on premarital sex and cohabitation and do not see a fundamental difference in a loving relationship before and after a wedding. Our experience with young adults leads us to doubt the claim that they are living in sin. It would appear closer to the truth that they are growing, perhaps slowly but nonetheless surely, into grace. The most recent and respected marriage research identifies two kinds of cohabitors: those who are not committed to marriage, whom we name “non-nuptial cohabitors,” and those already committed to marriage, perhaps even engaged, whom we name “nuptial cohabitors.” “Couples who live together with no definite plan to marry are in a completely different situation from cohabiting couples already committed to marrying one another.” Not married to old ideas Young adult Catholics have decidedly different views about marriage from those of previous generations. Among the surprising opinions they tell focus group researchers: • Many participants affirm marriage as an important goal but say they do not know what the church teaches about it. • They cite confusion about church teaching because church leaders send mixed messages about sex, contraception, and divorce/annulment. • Some disagree with church teaching on premarital sex and cohabitation. • They do not see a difference between a loving relationship before and after a wedding. • The most common area of disagreement with church teaching is contraception. • Marriage preparation should begin earlier than just before the wedding, optimally in the family, certainly in high school. • Young couples should be matched with older married couples to mentor them before and after their wedding. • A majority do not see parishes as helpful to them before or after their wedding. —MGL and GSR So “what they feel” “do not see” or their “views” trump Divine Revelation... Arrrggghh! (You’d think after 25 years of this crap I’d be used to it...) Wednesday, June 27, 2007
11:51 AM
by John Mallon
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Karen's Blog is here: Some Have Hats Go Karen! Sunday, June 24, 2007
11:39 AM
by John Mallon
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Amnesty International: What Part of Murder Don’t You Understand? Thursday, May 10, 2007
5:33 PM
by John Mallon
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5:29 PM
by John Mallon
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Friday, April 13, 2007
2:21 PM
by John Mallon
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Is NFP Just Catholic contraception? No. Father Euteneuer explains: Labels: birth control, Contraception, Euteneuer, HLI, NFP Tuesday, April 10, 2007
4:50 PM
by John Mallon
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Labels: birth control, Contraception NFP, Euteneuer Monday, April 02, 2007
12:39 AM
by John Mallon
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Would be their ‘Own Enemy’ FRONT ROYAL, VA — “If Amnesty International (AI) drops their neutral stance on abortion they will have become their own enemy, and become complicit in one of the greatest human rights abuses of all time: abortion on demand,” said Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, STL, president of Human Life International (HLI). “It was bad enough they were neutral on the crime of abortion in the first place, but if they drop even that they switch sides to stand on the side of tyrants and genocide throughout history,” Father Euteneuer said. “The failure to see the plight of the unborn for the injustice that it is represents a grave moral blindness, not a sensitivity to the oppressed.” Father Euteneuer was responding reports that Amnesty International, UK, has endorsed legal abortion. An International Council meeting is scheduled for August 2007 in Mexico to decide the issue worldwide. “The international abortion lobby has been trying to have abortion declared a ‘human right’ by trying to manipulate UN conferences and international treaty instruments. Thus far they have failed.” Father Euteneuer said. “If AI caves to this pressure, it would represent not principle, but abandonment of principle to ugly, bald-faced ideology. It would render every unborn child—especially in the developing world—a political prisoner in the womb.” “If they go through with this,” he added, “they will have lost one of their strongest allies in the cause of human rights: the Catholic Church.” “Peter Benenson,” the Catholic convert and lawyer who founded Amnesty International in 1961, “must be rolling in his grave.” Father Euteneuer said. Human Life International Labels: Fr. Euteneuer, HLI, Human Life International Sunday, March 18, 2007
3:38 PM
by John Mallon
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Fr. Euteneuer’s comments on sex abuse scandal and other Catholic issues May 5, 2003—To Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and 48 “Catholic” Apostates in Congress September 22, 2005—You Can’t Have It Both Ways [on homosexuals in the seminary] Spirit and Life e-newsletter: October 27, 2006— Father Drinan and Attila the Hun October 6, 2007— Clerical Contraception August 25, 2006— An Open Letter to [“Catholic”] Melinda Gates May 5, 2006—The Condom Anti-Pope April 21, 2006—High Profile Apostasy [concerning “Catholics” Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes] February 10, 2006—Clerical Faith Abuse Various press releases and statements: October 4, 2006—HLI Responds to Reports that Foley was Victim of Sexual Molestation by Clergyman March 1, 2006—Catholic House Democrats publicly defy Catholic teaching on Abortion February 1, 2006—Catholic Priest responds to Senate Democrats’ nearly unanimous opposition to Justice Alito July 9, 2005—Catholic Priest reminds Senate Democrats of Article VI of the United States Constitution July 16, 2004—HLI Calls for Excommunication of St. Lucia’s Governor-General March 14, 2002— Lucifer Was an Alumnus of Heaven Too [on “Catholic” Kim Gandy] Saturday, March 17, 2007
12:17 AM
by John Mallon
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Friday, March 16, 2007
1:38 AM
by John Mallon
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My reply to him in his comment box, if he uses it: What are you talking about? Fr. Euteneuer showed great pastoral love towards Hannity performing a spiritual work of Mercy. He offered to speak to him privately in 2004 and was ignored. Hannity invited him on the show and obviously underestimated the priest. You obviously have never met Fr. Euteneuer if you think he has any time for gloating. Why aren't you cheering that a Catholic priest had a victory in breaking through the wall of silence the media has when it comes to an intelligent presentation of the Church's position on contraception? What is the position of this Blog on the topic? Anyone claiming to be orthodox who besmirches Fr. Euteneuer's public witness on H&C is either jealous or has a bad case of sour grapes. Hannity's past arrogant statements on the topic gave scandal and needed a rebuke and he got a good one from a good rock-solid priest. We don't just need more priests like Fr. Euteneuer, we need more bishops like him. (According to your Blog, so do England and Wales.) What are you thinking? Thursday, March 02, 2006
3:24 PM
by John Mallon
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'Kay, Bye!
3:22 PM
by John Mallon
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'kay, Bye! Saturday, February 11, 2006
3:01 AM
by John Mallon
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Great Blug! Thanks Derek! |